How to Identify Bat Entry and Exit Points in Old Homes

Old homes in Lexington, Kentucky often provide the perfect habitat for bats to roost and breed. These nocturnal creatures can be beneficial for the ecosystem, but when they invade your living space, they pose health risks and can cause structural damage. As a wildlife control professional, we understand the importance of identifying bat entry and exit points to effectively remove them from your old home. In this article, we will outline the key steps to help you locate these access points, ensuring a successful bat removal process.

1. Conduct a Thorough Exterior Inspection

To begin, inspect the exterior of your old home in Lexington, KY, paying close attention to potential bat entry and exit points. Look for any gaps, cracks, or openings in the structure, including damaged siding, loose vents, or broken windows. Bats can squeeze through tiny openings, so even the smallest gaps should be noted. Additionally, check for signs of guano (bat droppings) or dark stains near potential entry points, as these indicate bat activity.

2. Search for Interior Indicators

Once you have completed the exterior inspection, move inside the old home to identify interior indicators of bat presence. Look for guano or urine stains on walls, ceilings, or floors. Pay special attention to areas near attics, crawl spaces, and chimneys, as these are common roosting spots for bats. If you notice a strong ammonia-like odor, it could be a sign of a bat infestation.

3. Observe Bat Behavior at Dusk

Bats are most active during dusk and dawn when they leave and return to their roosts. Position yourself outside the old home at dusk, preferably near known or suspected entry points. Observe the behavior of bats as they exit the building. Look for multiple bats flying in a concentrated area or flying in a specific direction, as this can indicate a potential entry point. Take note of their flight patterns, as bats tend to follow consistent routes.

4. Use Bat Detectors

Bat detectors are invaluable tools for identifying bat entry and exit points. These devices pick up the ultrasonic echolocation calls emitted by bats, which are usually beyond the range of human hearing. By using a bat detector near potential entry points, you can listen for these high-pitched calls and track their origin. This method allows for precise identification of bat entry and exit points, enhancing the effectiveness of the removal process.


Identifying bat entry and exit points in old homes is crucial for successful bat removal. By conducting a thorough exterior and interior inspection, observing bat behavior at dusk, and utilizing bat detectors, you can pinpoint these access points in your Lexington, Kentucky home. Remember, bat removal should only be performed by trained professionals to ensure both your safety and the well-being of the bats. If you suspect a bat infestation, contact a wildlife control company in Lexington, KY, for expert assistance in handling the situation.