Call Now For Help With Skunks
Lexington KY Skunk Control
Nuisance animals like the Skunk provide added wildlife issues when it comes to having a dog or cat that might threaten them and get sprayed. These wild animals are small enough to find their way into your home through tiny entry points, so even though we all know to avoid skunks, we may find ourselves too close to these pest animals for comfort.
If you suspect that you may have a skunk infestation, call us immediately so we can provide professional wildlife control and have the animals removed. Skunks are not only unpleasant because of their odorous secretion; they are among several KY wildlife that pose the threat of spreading rabies with their bites.
Lexington Skunk Removal
Nuisance Skunks,skunk removal, skunk removal lexington
Skunks are common across the continental part of the United States and are dealt with by animal pros from many wildlife removal companies all across the nation. They are best known for their black and white stripes as well as the acrid odor which they produce in self defense. Capable of diffusing over great distances, their musk is normally produced by specialized anal scent glands. Not only does the county animal’s protective spray of odor fluid irritate multiple senses at the same time, it can even cause temporary blindness. Skunks are omnivorous and nocturnal in nature. Amphibians, small insects, garbage and small rodents make up their diet.
Physical features
Skunks have a distinctive physical appearance among kentuckys wildlife. The nuisance animals have black fur which is marked up by white spots and stripes. The overall size of a skunk is similar to that of a domestic cat. In addition to that, skunks have triangular-shaped heads, black eyes and short ears. With short, stout legs, these animals have five-toed feet which are specially adapted for digging.
Natural habitat
Skunks live throughout central KY and are often found in lexington skunk removal Kentucky, specifically in wooded areas, open fields, pastures and lands that border forested regions. The KY Wildlife is mostly active during the night and the wild animals prefer to live in burrows which have been left behind by other animals. However, they will make a home out of old, hollow logs, culverts and piles of brush. They choose these locations so as to avoid detection by humans or predators. Whenever they invade residential areas such as Lexington Kentucky,skunks create dens under porches, the building and decks too.
Skunks can actively enter yards by various entry points so as to search for food or new places to create a den. Seeing as they are omnivorous, skunks will feed on literally any organic material. Whenever they are in residential areas such as Lexington Kentucky, they can expand this diet so as to include garden plants, garbage or pet food that’s unattended.
Disease transmission
While they are an effective method of pest control against insects, much of the interaction between skunks and humans is negative in nature. These pests are among several of kentuckys wildlife that can transmit a variety of diseases to domesticated animals, like a dog or cat, and humans as well. Examples of these are distemper, rabies and tularemia. In addition to that, the lexington animals can carry parasites that spread diseases such as mites, ticks, fleas and tapeworms.
Yard and Structural Destruction
Skunks have a habit of digging foliage up out of the ground. In doing so, they can damage yards, gardens or golf courses. In case they feel threatened or cornered by a human or predator, the lexington wildlife removal can shoot their defensive spray up to a distance of twenty feet. Not only can it cause intense pain in the eyes, it can also result in nausea. Skunks can also cause wildlife damage to structures in your home which can lead to costly damage repairs. They can chew on insulation and ventilation as well.
Skunk Removal
While they generally keep to themselves, skunks can be a dangerous pest in and around your home, often many will call for removal in Lexington. Therefore, if you experience wildlife issues from nuisance wildlife like skunks in your yard or on your premises, ensure that you contact a professional pest removal expert to get the animals removed. This is so as to avoid coming into contact with the destructive spray which the wild animals produce. Professional wildlife removal technicians have the tools, training and knowledge of wildlife trapping required to successfully have the animals trapped and removed from your property, as well as being able to get rid of skunks in a humane and effective way.
Animal Control and Prevention
It is possible to make adjustments in your home and yard which ensure that the nuisance wildlife cannot invade again. For effective DIY wildlife control, you can secure trash cans, keep pet food indoors and monitor the levels of moisture around your house. This is because the Lexington animals enjoy to eat grubs and insects that live in moist areas. You should also make an effort to secure the areas where skunks can create dens. Examples of these are underneath porches and sheds. Furthermore, keep pets indoors at night. Wildlife professionals recommend this so that the pets do not come into contact with a skunk accidentally and get sprayed.
Some aspects of animal control can be performed on your own. However, there are others which are best performed by a professional pest removal expert that can provide professional wildlife trapping methods. This is so that you do not come into contact with the nuisance wildlife’s spray. They make use of solutions such as trapping and relocation to get rid of skunks from your premises. They also provide expert advice such as getting rid or moving wood piles to prevent skunks from creating dens there. Skunks are domestic pests that require removal upon discovery.[no_toc]