Raccoons in Kentucky Test Positive for Dangerous Disease

Raccoons in Kentucky Test Positive for Dangerous Disease

Canine Distemper has been detected Three raccoons have tested positive for a disease known as canine distemper in Kentucky recently. The cases were all tested and confirmed around the holidays and it is unclear if these results are related to the case that was detected in October. Canine distemper...

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Rabies Present in Kentucky

Rabies Present in Kentucky

The virus that can harm animals and humans The USDA in collaboration with the Kentucky and Tennessee Departments of Public Health dropped rabies vaccine baits. This was in an effort to protect people and their pets from the potential spread of the deadly virus. The baits were dropped throughout...

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White Nose Syndrome Affecting Bats

White Nose Syndrome Affecting Bats

Bats of KentuckyAbout 14 years ago, a fungus was discovered that affects bat populations. The fungus is now known as white nose syndrome and it has spread across much of the United States. At Mammoth Cave Park in Kentucky, the illness is looked at as the cause for the loss of around 75-80 percent...

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Managing Wildlife In Kentucky

Managing Wildlife In Kentucky

Finding moles and the states new wildlife appThe eastern mole is the most common and abundant mole in Kentucky. Moles are often looked at as a nuisance animal because of their tendency to burrow large tunnels in residents yards. Some may be used as travel lanes, while others may be travelled only...

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Coyotes In Kentucky

Coyotes In Kentucky

Laws and regulations on managing themCoyotes were once contained in the prairies of Northern America, but have now become common in more populated urban and suburban areas all over the country. Coyote sightings increase at certain times throughout the year. Coyotes explore more as breeding season...

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Kentucky Hunting Laws and Safety Tips

Kentucky Hunting Laws and Safety Tips

What you need to know for hunting geeseThe United States and each individual state have laws and regulations in place when it comes to hunting. Canadian geese are federally protected throughout the year, with exceptions for a few dates. Hunting season for waterfowl in Kentucky is during the month...

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Canine Distemper: What is it and What to Watch Out For

Canine Distemper: What is it and What to Watch Out For

Infected Raccoon in FrankfortA case of canine distemper has been discovered recently in a raccoon located near Frankfort, Kentucky. The Kentucky Department of Fish and Wildlife Resources confirmed the case after trapping and testing the animal. Multiple reports have come in about sick raccoons in...

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Problems With Pest Moles

Nuisance MolesMoles are small animals that live most of their lives underground. They have sensitive eyes which makes it safer for them to spend their lives underground or, at a minimum, protected by foliage. They reach small sizes between 4 and 9 inches long with long gray or brown fur, with pink...

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