
Description and Appearance

Moles in Kentucky are primarily Eastern Moles (Scalopus aquaticus), a common species found in various parts of the United States. These subterranean creatures are specifically adapted for a life spent mostly under the soil. Adult Eastern Moles are generally around 5.5 to 8 inches in length and weigh approximately 2.5 to 4.5 ounces. Their fur is velvety and usually varies in color from dark gray to silvery-gray.

Notably, these moles have a pointed snout that extends about half an inch in front of the mouth—ideal for their burrowing lifestyle. Unlike some other mammals, they have no external ears, a feature that helps prevent soil from entering their auditory canals while digging. Their eyes are small and concealed within their fur, making them difficult to see. This is not much of an issue for the mole, given that it spends the majority of its life in darkness and relies primarily on its sense of touch to navigate.

The moles’ limbs are also anatomically tailored for digging. Their forelimbs are particularly powerful, with large, broad paws and strong claws that make them efficient excavators. These specialized limbs enable them to create extensive tunnel networks that can sometimes cause issues for property owners in Kentucky, as they can disturb lawns, gardens, and other landscaped areas. Overall, the Eastern Mole is a well-adapted creature with features designed for a life of subterranean exploration and foraging.

What kinds of damage do moles cause?

mole damage to lawnMoles burrow underground, primarily, looking for food. It is very unlikely that a person will ever see the actual animal, but they will definitely see the damage moles leave in their wake. They are likely to frequent yards, gardens, flowerbeds, and other landscaping. They will cause a host of damage such as mounds, ridges, and tunnels of dirt around the yard, and up-rooting grass and other plants. They pose a far greater risk of damaging plants than they do of biting someone or spreading diseases.

Moles will dig tunnels between 6 and 24 inches underground which the use to rear their young and for shelter during extreme weather conditions. These tunnels are dug at a rate of about 12 to 15 feet per hour. They do not normally share their tunneling networks that they have created but other nuisance animals, like rats, shrews, voles, and pocket gophers, have been known to go into these tunnels in search of food as well.

Their tunneling habits are what cause the most complaints by property owners. These animals create extensive networks as they tunnel close to the surface in search of food. They can dig these shallow tunnels at a rate of about a foot per minute. Their search for food will result in raised ground and dirt mounds to be left behind. It will also cause the ground to feel soft and almost spongy as it is walked across.

It is best to take care of a mole problem as quickly as possible to minimize property damages.

Common Mole Topics

Moles in the Garden

Moles In The Yard

Differences Between Voles and Moles

Do Moles Bite?

Do Moles carry diseases?


Types of Moles

The Diet Of Moles

What are moles?

Mole Identification

Mole Droppings

How do people get rid of moles?

Managing a mole infestation is indeed a complex challenge that calls for a nuanced understanding of mole behavior and ecology. Given the elusive nature of these animals and their knack for creating extensive, often indistinguishable tunnel systems, eradication efforts can be complicated. Trapping remains the gold standard for mole removal, but the strategic placement of traps is crucial for successful elimination.

Moles construct various types of tunnels, some for foraging and others for nesting and rearing their young. The challenge is to identify the “active” tunnels that the mole frequents. Traps placed in abandoned or less frequently used tunnels will not yield successful results. Experts can often determine which tunnels are currently in use by conducting a detailed assessment of the tunnel network’s structure and appearance, something that requires an intimate knowledge of mole behavior.

Due to the complexities involved, hiring professionals experienced in mole control is often the most effective approach. These specialists will have not only the proper trapping equipment but also the expertise to ensure the traps are positioned in the most effective locations. They may employ different kinds of traps, such as scissor traps, harpoon traps, or choker loop traps, depending on the specific circumstances and type of mole activity.

Additionally, professionals can offer advice on how to modify the environment to make it less attractive to moles. For instance, they may recommend specific lawn care techniques to reduce soil moisture, which could discourage mole activity. In some cases, chemical repellents or even biological control methods, like introducing natural predators, may be suggested as supplementary measures.

Mole Trapping

Dealing with nuisance animals often presents a conundrum, requiring a careful balance between humane treatment and effective removal. In the case of moles, this challenge becomes particularly intricate, as these creatures are seldom seen but frequently felt—mostly through the disruptive tunneling and mounds they leave behind in yards, gardens, and flowerbeds.

While various methods for mole removal exist, trapping stands out as the most effective and direct approach. Moles are elusive by nature; they spend the majority of their lives underground, far from human sight. This makes other strategies like repellents or scare tactics less effective, as it’s hard to gauge their impact on an animal that is rarely seen. Consequently, trapping becomes not just an option but often the best course of action for those plagued by mole-related disruptions.

Yet, even trapping is not without its complexities. The success of this method largely depends on identifying the most active tunnels and setting the traps accordingly. Given that moles can dig an extensive labyrinth of tunnels in a relatively short period, identifying the best location for traps is no small feat. Incorrectly placed traps will only serve as a temporary hindrance to these diligent diggers and do little to solve the root problem.

Additionally, the choice of trap can also significantly affect the outcome. Various types of traps are available in the market, including choker loop traps, scissor traps, and harpoon traps. Each has its pros and cons, and the choice often depends on the specific type of mole you’re dealing with and the nature of its tunneling activity. Some traps are better suited for shallower tunnels, while others are effective in deeper systems.

In light of these considerations, it is often advisable to seek professional help when attempting mole removal. Expert trappers bring a wealth of experience and specialized knowledge to the table. They can evaluate the affected area, identify active tunnels, and set the most appropriate traps to maximize the chances of capturing the elusive mole.

When should a professional be called?

The decision to engage a professional in the battle against mole infestation can vary from one situation to another, yet there are specific scenarios where expert intervention becomes not just preferable but essential. While do-it-yourself methods like purchasing and deploying traps are accessible for homeowners, the complexity of mole behavior and the intricacies of effective trapping often warrant specialized help.

For starters, professionals offer curated traps tailored to the specific species and behavior patterns of the moles in question. Unlike generic traps found at local stores, these are often more effective and easier to use. But it’s not just about having the right tools; it’s about knowing how to deploy them. An experienced pest control expert can guide homeowners on the correct placement and settings of these traps, optimizing the chances of a successful capture. They can also offer insights into which type of trap—be it choker loop, scissor, or harpoon—is best suited for your unique circumstances.

Moreover, professionals bring a level of expertise that goes beyond just trapping. They can assess the scale of the infestation, determine the extent of the damage, and even identify other potential pest problems that you might not have noticed. This comprehensive analysis often leads to more effective and lasting solutions, as it addresses the issue from multiple angles.

For those who prefer a hands-off approach or find themselves overwhelmed despite their best DIY efforts, professionals offer full-service mole removal. They handle everything from initial assessment to trap setting and ultimately, removal of the captured moles. This ensures that the problem is not just managed but resolved, providing homeowners peace of mind and a mole-free property.

Why should a professional be called?

Professional removal experts are going to know exactly how to handle the difficulties that moles present. They will be able to identify the best areas in which to set up the traps. Experts will also know how to assess the situation at hand and which process is going to be the most successful. Professionals are also going to have access to the latest traps that are environmentally friendly and humane for the moles.

It will take an educated and well-trained professional to identify the type of animal that is plaguing a given piece of property. They will be able to look at the damage and signs left behind and tell what type of animal it is. This is necessary because moles are rarely seen above ground and all that is visible is the damage they do.

They can dig at all time of the day, whether they are noticed or not. It is important to call in a local professional as soon as the problem is realized so that it doesn’t get out of control. The damage they do can cause a lot of problems across an entire property and a professional is going to be a property owner’s best solution to mitigate the extent of the damage.

How can a professional help a homeowner?

At Wildlife Removal Pros, our comprehensive approach goes beyond simple extermination. We begin with a thorough consultation to help homeowners fully understand the scope and nature of their mole issue. Our experts can guide homeowners through the process of identifying signs of mole activity, including the distinctive soil mounds and underground tunnels these creatures create. This educational aspect empowers homeowners to proactively address similar issues should they arise in the future.

Not only do we offer guidance on setting traps effectively, but we also provide insights into the types of traps most suitable for mole capture. Our professionals will demonstrate proper trap placement and triggering mechanisms to maximize success rates, ensuring homeowners are equipped with the skills needed for future DIY mole removal if necessary.

In addition to mole-specific solutions, our team can advise homeowners on the versatility of certain traps that may also be effective for other types of nuisance wildlife. This knowledge can be invaluable when tackling a broader range of infestations or when preventative measures are needed for other kinds of pests.

Ultimately, our primary objective is to resolve the mole problem quickly and effectively, but we also aim to arm homeowners with the knowledge and skills they need for long-term pest management. Whether you choose to tackle the problem yourself under our guidance or prefer for our experts to handle the mole removal, you can rest assured that the issue will be resolved thoroughly.

Contact Us

Wildlife Removal Pros

Lexington, KY
(859) 788-2223