
No one wants to wake up one day and see their lawn dotted with all of these unsightly mounds of dirt. They may have a hunch that it is a mole problem, and this could be a larger issue than it seems. These are difficult animals to trap and remove because they very rarely come above ground. The first step in the process is to verify that they are molehills.

What do molehills look like?

Moles are small animals whose bodies are built for digging. They have large front claws that are turned out so that they are in an optimum position to dig. Their snouts also function like another appendage allowing them to move the soil and put it where they want to put it. Their tunneling activities leave tracks throughout the yard and as they move the soil they can displace grasses, flowers, and other landscaping.

Molehills have a look to them that allows a trained eye to know right away what they are. They are a circular, conical shape, and unlike gopher holes, there is no dip in the center of them. They tend to be around a foot wide and about 2 inches high.

What needs to be done with an identified mole problem?

It can be near impossible to trap moles and remove them without the help of a professional. A professional removal expert is going to know how to tackle this kind of problem and how to do it in the most effective way. As small as they are, they can really make a huge mess.

These animals are not known to spread diseases like other nuisance animals, but if left unchecked, they can destroy a yard, garden, and landscaping. They can kill plants, displace a ton of grass, weaken the ground to the point where it will need to be replanted.

Common Mole Topics

Moles in the Garden

Moles In The Yard

Differences Between Voles and Moles

Do Moles Bite?

Do Moles carry diseases?

Types of Moles

The Diet Of Moles

What are moles?

Mole Identification

Mole Droppings

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Wildlife Removal Pros

Lexington, KY
(859) 595-5908

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